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14 ოქტ. 2018 — Digestive Disorders Affect Your Teeth and Gums ... What goes down is not supposed to come up—at least not when it comes to digestion. However, for .... 24 ივლ. 2020 — First, oral bacteria weaken the stomach's ability to fight off infection. Second, the body's response to harmful oral bacteria triggers an .... 28 დეკ. 2016 — The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces ... Bad breath, puffy, red or bleeding gums, painful chewing and loose .... The bacteria in plaque that builds upbetween the teeth and gums can enter into ... Ulcers in the stomach are often attributed to bacterial infections in the .... 19 იან. 2019 — You may also begin to experience stomach pain and even diarrhea and vomiting. Both of these symptoms will speed your rate of dehydration and .... 23 აპრ. 2019 — Even if you brush your teeth every day, dental… ... reflux or eating disorders (vomiting) may notice enamel erosion due to stomach acid.. 28 ივნ. 2019 — Avoiding alcohol and smoking and refraining from eating for three hours before bed might cut back the frequency of acid reflux episodes. • If .... Frequent stomach upset can cause a gradual wearing away of the protective enamel on your teeth, a process known as tooth erosion. This can affect the appearance .... 4 იან. 2019 — Nausea can impact your oral health. ... Be aware that brushing your teeth immediately after vomiting can cause additional problems. Stomach .... 28 მაი. 2019 — watery diarrhea up to 15 times per day that may contain blood or pus · severe abdominal pain · low-grade fever · loss of appetite · nausea .... A dental abscess can cause serious symptoms, including fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Rarely, a dental abscess can cause severe swelling in and around .... Can a bad tooth make you sick? The short answer is yes, eventually. Poor oral health allows bacteria to build up in your mouth and potentially cause .... 10 ივლ. 2018 — MouthHealthy reports that frequent stomach upset can cause a gradual wearing away of tooth enamel through a process known as tooth erosion.. Tooth decay does more than affect your smile. When you have untreated tooth decay in your mouth it can lead to a toothache, gum disease, and eventuall.. 16 ივლ. 2020 — If you get a fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea as a result of a tooth abscess, see your doctor. If you have pain you can't stand, .... 12 დეკ. 2017 — Dr. Steven Lin notes that the presence of bad bacteria in your ... stomach to enter the oral cavity and these acids can erode tooth enamel.. 10 აგვ. 2015 — How can tooth decay or crooked teeth cause problems with the GI tract? Many patients with poor oral health have sensitive teeth and are unable .... If your tooth feels sore, sensitive, or you're experiencing sharp pains in your ... A bad taste in your mouth or bad breath may also be an indicator of an ... 060951ff0b